The Entire series can be found on this page.
Once the center of manufacturing in the World of Sky, now a desert wasteland of poison after the great war. This is the most dangerous of the normal zones, but a large margin. It is chock full of things trying to kill you all along the way. Even the water is trying to kill you, and it’s not even raining!
It’s definitely a horrific zone to traverse on the first run. It’s not super fun once you get more experience and more Flaps to fly with, but it’s not nearly as bad. To be clear, for anyone doing this zone for the first time, you will be attacked, you will get frustrated, you will lose WL to Krills.
It is inevitable.
It’s also super dark, even with the brightness turned up. So, let’s get started here.
Treasure Reef
There is one side space from the Social Area, so I’ll cover it real quick. Instead of taking the main path out, head tot he right and there will be a little boat. It leads to a Water Area. It’s a sort of little Atoll, space, with a Spirit Memory Quest chain on a little boat. The most notable part of this area is that it’ll teach the player the ability to swim.
Now, I’ll be blunt. I have not once found a use for swimming outside of this area. Ever. It doesn’t help that swimming has a “breathing mechanic” so you have limited time under water, which makes swimming a pain to do. There are also a couple of WL here as well.
The Nintendo Switch Area
The Social Space also houses the entrance to the Nintendo Switch area. Which I have never been to, because I don’t play on the Switch.
The Broken Temple
This is the first place you land after leaving through the proper path from the Social Area. It’s a large open desert with a large temple in the far end. There is a WL up high right near the beginning, though it takes a few flaps to be able to fly high enough to get it. The path is pretty much straight on, though there are some plants to burn and things to find straying off to the sides, mostly to the right side. to the right of the Temple entrance is another little boat that takes you to a side area I’ll get to next. Also the Sapling is near this boat.
It’s notable that when it’s Daily quest time in the Wasteland, all 4 of the daily candle pieces will be somewhere in this zone. Not beyond, and not in the Social Space (maybe one in the Social space occasionally?)
Also, something to watch out for, the water here, will drain energy and cause harm. And it’s full of crabs, who work like all the other crabs in the game.
Let’s start with the bonus side area first, the one with the (second) little boat.
The Forgotten Ark

This zone contains a large, beached, broken, Ark. Don’t confuse it for the Crab Fields, which also contain a large broken ship, this boat is much more Ark-like, and there is not a Krill patrolling around it. This is also a fun little area and one of my favorites honestly, especially after completing the Arc quest line.
There is a questline Spirit here, and like most of the other “Questline” spirits, this one was part of a previous season. All of these quests will take you to different realms where you must collect colored lights. Not to be confused with the occasional daily quest which is simply “catch the light” which is yellow/white colored. Though “catch the colored light” does ALSO show up as a daily quest. Each step of collecting these lights rebuilds a bit more of the Arc and makes it much more colorful. Completing the chain also unlocks some shops on the arc that let you buy various spells for candles any time.
Aside from the arc, there are several WL in this area, generally speaking, there is something “to do” at each of the 3 directions around the Arc, from the entrance. To the left, is a spirit and some wax to collect, straight on is another spirit and a cave with some wax. To the right is a cave with a bunch of crabs and another spirit.
There isn’t really a quick exit so it’s usually easiest to just teleport home from here. I believe returning to the little boat will return you to the main zone though.
The Graveyard Part 1 and the Krill

The Graveyard is sort of 2 parts, or more, it’s just really long. From the initial main path of the Broken Temple, you must enter the temple itself. This leads to The Graveyard, and the first encounter with a Krill, aka A Dark Dragon. These are the only other real enemy int he game besides the Crabs, and they make the Crabs look like absolutely nothing (because they are). This the the first, and only real threat in the entire game. You cannot defeat them, only hide or trick them. The Krills patrol an area along a set route that loops, looking for prey (players). During normal patrols, they emit a blue colored spotlight. When they spot a player, the light turns red and they rear back to strike after about ten seconds.
When they strike, they will hit the player and cause a loss of 3-4 Wing Lights and all current light level. The player also gets stuck crawling, often through damaging water. The WL can be recollected by any player in the area, so groups are helpful, and kind strangers are helpful.
The Krill relies on line of site, being “in” the spotlight does not matter. If the eye can’t see you, it should turn blue and you will be safe. It will track along though if you simply run though, even by flying away, so cover is 100% required to escape.
There are way to cheese the Krills. Some rare props can be dropped which will protect the player or at least stop the WL from going far. I have seen the Switch exclusive Mario Pipe Prop used for this. There is also a spell that lasts 1 minute which will protect from all attacks. The Krill still rear back and attack, but it does no harm.
On Mobile, it’s also possible to quickly drop to the home screen of the phone, wait around 15 seconds, then use the app switcher to go back to the game and the Krill will have struck, doing no damage. I have done this on Android, I hear it works on iOS as well.
This first Krill here is pretty easy to avoid, and often it will simply strike nothing near the entrance and fly off for a brief while (they respawn a bit after attacking and flying off).

For the first zone, it’s best, I find, to run to the left side, then fly across the water and quickly up across the bridge to avoid the Krill as it patrols along the right side. The middle area also provides some shelter if spotted.
The Graveyard Part 2 more Krills
After the first Krill encounter, there is a slide down to a large open area. The open area has, (I think) 4 Krill dragons patrolling the area. This is the most difficult area to navigate, outside of Eden.
Right off though there is a tunnel with a spirit gate that leads to an alternative path, The Crab Fields, talked about a bit more below.
There is a second entrance to the Crab Fields as well, on the far end, right side of the Graveyard, which can be useful as it’s easily reached without crossing paths with a lot of Krill.
Why bother with this area with all these Krill? I believe it’s required the first time, since the player won’t have enough Spirit Memories to open the Spirit gate. It also has 4 WL and a couple of Spirit Memories (one seasonal). There is also a big fat burnable darkness bush right in the center, that I doubt anyone has ever bothered to burn it because screw that.
It’s actually not super hard to wiz through this zone, you can bypass half of it by climbing up past the Crab Fields Pipe entrance and along the cliffs. The Social Bonfire is back here, there is a pan full of crabs you can rescue who will love you forever if you rescue them. Then you can Deep Call and carry them back and place them directly in the fire, instead of on the pan.
Next to the Social Fire is also a Seasonal Spirit. This is, the most difficult spirit to obtain, in the game. It has one of the coolest cosmetics though, when it shows up, with a Guitar instrument that costs a whopping 200 candles. This spirit is an escort quest. It takes around 6-7 minutes of slow travel to complete, if done quickly, and basically, slowly, walks across the Krill Patrolled Graveyard, through harmful water, surrounded by crabs. It is literally every threat rolled into one, and it is a slooooooow, looooong, walk.
After the Bonfire, there is a second exit to The Crab Fields, on the right side wall. The main path exit is across the krill Patrolled area, though by climbing the cliff, and watching the patrol patterns, it’s fairly easy to fly up and glide across to the exit.
The Crab Fields
As the name might imply, this area is full of crabs. Like…. a lot…. of crabs. It also has one Krill that patrols around the large shipwreck. Almost anywhere inside the shipwreck protects from the Krill though, so it’s not a huge issue. There are several WL in this area, one up high on the wall that is hard to catch without actively searching for it.
The crabs can be dealt with by deep calling of course, but there are a lot of them, so be wary.
Something also notable, that is worth mentioning. There is a 2 player locked door on either side of the shipwreck that seems to be a tunnel through the ship wreck. Except I believe you can just, fly around it, so I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of this door is at all. One of the Spirit Memories passes into the door, which might cause some worry that it needs to be open to finish the memory. It doesn’t. Just, go around it through one of the holes in the boat.
The Battlefield
The final large zone, there isn’t a lot threatening here, just some pools of water, I don’t think there are even any crabs. It’s quite large though, and there is a large castle that can be tricky to climb when flaps are low with a WL on top. This is the wasteland from a battle, that I believe was “the battle” that sort of broke this world. Honestly, the lore in this game could be a biiiit more clear at times. I mean, everything is told through essentially a series of short picture book stories that can be hard to follow.
Another note, after activating the final pedestal, several Krills spawn into this area. Now, I’ve never had it happen to me, but I am not sure if this totally screws over anyone who may still be in the area behind you. i suspect not, but it does make going back a bit tricky. Fortunately, there isn’t a lot of reason to go back.
The Temple
Not much in here, the usual deal with the alter and some chunk of candles to collect. I mostly bring it up because it leads directly into the Vault Area, so when doing Candle runs or whatever, it’s good to just, keep going.