Whoops, I Dropped the Blaugust Ball

Whoops, I Dropped the Blaugust Ball

I’m skipping “Creator Appreciation Week” here for “Staying Motivated Week.” There are no rules anyway, you can’t stop me. Apparently I dropped the balloon Blaugust and have missed days.

Which is fine, really. I mean it’s 100% fine.

I never intended to “post every day” to start with, it just sort of, started happening. My first “miss” was Saturday, which was a “What I’ve been playing” post. These are basically the only posts I can’t pre write, and I was busy Saturday and tired, so I just, didn’t. Plus it was just, “More Overwatch and Sky.” My wife and daughter are working on opening a shop so we spent all day moving shit for that and I was exhausted.

The next “miss” was Monday, which is a bigger annoyance because, I have that post written, I just needed to pull some images online and post it. It was supposed to be Lower Decks for my little “Star Trek Write Ups” series.

It’s probably for the best, I don’t have one really for next week anyway. I have some notes from when I watched The TOS Animated series a while back, but I am not sure I can pull that into a post with a mild refresher.

As I pre write THIS post, I am reminded that I also have Tuesdays post written, for Transformers Tuesday, but it needs some photos. And Wednesday kind of has photos, but needs written.

So instead I am doing this post, for Thursday (I mean, “Today”), because it’s just an easy rambling thoughts write up.

It also just, doesn’t help that lately I have been feeling unmotivated in general again. It comes and goes, though the motivation in general tends to be in spurts with long lulls in between. It’s annoying and frustrating.


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