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Over the New Years holiday, after a failed attempt at Tripoley, we switched to a game called Kazinga. Funny enough, like Tripoley, it also uses chips, though not for betting. Thats about the extent of the similarities though. The game it primarily about dice rolling, though there are some additional bonus cards each player has to use as well. At the start of each game, each player is distributed a number of different colored chips and 3 bonus cards. The object, in the general sense, is to collect, or to […]

What I’ve Been Playing – Mobile Pixel Games Edition

Things have been really heavily mobile gaming focused lately. I suppose its also worth mentioning, sometimes, often times, there are games that I don’t mention at all. Like when I spent ten minutes on some Steam game that was meh. Or the CAT CEO game I played for like, a day. Games I am omitting this week because I barely played them… Loop Hero I decided to dig a bit into what was available on Play Pass, since I pay for it, and use it, but could use it more. […]

What I’m Playing – Not Dead Yet Edition

I’m gonna be straight up here. I just have not really been much in the mood for writing and blogging lately. In addition to just being busy lately, the latest news developments are just, very very depressing, to put it mildly. Fortnite I have not been really playing a lot of variety lately either. I have no interest in Fortnite OG 2, I didn’t care for OG1 either. The Music pass was… Weirdly easy to complete, because they changed how you gain pass tiers. I finished it in days and […]

The Harris/Walz Campaign Fortnite Map

In case you didn’t catch the news, and it feels like it wasn’t exactly, “big news”, the Harris/Walz campaign has launched a Fortnite map as part of their effort to promote the Presidential campaign.  This was met with many people asking why they would try to market to a bunch of kids, which was met with the appropriate response that, there are plenty of voting age adults who play Fortnite, and the game is old enough that a lot of people who started as kids, are also old enough to […]

What I’ve Been Playing

Lets mix things up a bit here shall we? Beatstar So, Beatstar is a mobile rhythm game. Its not new, there have been like 40 some odd seasons of its pass which seem to last around a month or so. So, some 3+ years, at least. Thats not important, its new to me. I have made no secret that I enjoy music and rhythm games, and so I have been really enjoying this one. Its a bit different in feel than DDR or Fortnite Festival. There are only 3 lanes, […]