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Star Trek – Lower Decks (S1-S4)

So, unlike Discovery, this show is a lot more serialized, which is much more Trek-like honestly. There is some loose callbacks within the seasons, mostly at the end of the seasons, but otherwise, each episode is mostly just its own mission or activity. Or more often, several missions or activities. Unlike most Trek shows, this one follows the “lower decks” crew. As the name would suggest. There is a bridge crew that shows up, but they are not the focus. Instead, it’s, all those people running around in the background […]

What I’ve Been Playing – Celeste Edition

Been a bit busy lately with other games actually. Part of it is that the Overwatch season ended, and I got frustrated with it again, almost immediately, so I blew some Mythic Currency on the Anubis Reaper then uninstalled and moved on. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Apparently over seas, this name.was used a lot, but for this moment, I am referring to the US version, I think maybe also called “Final Fantasy US” in some regions. I have had a vague urge to replay this game for a while off […]

Fortnite Mobile

I’ve shifted back to Fortnite from Overwatch,   Maybe.  Probably.  Anyway, the newest Fortnite Season is a pretty sweet Marvel themed season with a Marvel BP, which is way more exciting than the upcoming Overwatch BP, which is, kind of hodge-podgey, sort of Ancient Egypt? Also, no Venture Skin for like 3 more seasons.  What the fuck Blizzard? AnywayI’m not really here to discuss Overwatch or the Marvel season of Fortnite.  What also dropped this season is the return of Fortnite Mobile.  Currently available in the EU on iPhones and on […]

My Gaming Journey – Part 3 – 32/64bit Era

This era of gaming is where things started to get a little more varied. This would essentially be the Playstation/Saturn/N64 era of gaming. Though I am not sure I have ever even seen a Saturn, much less played one. Playstation definitely dominated this era of games, but for my part, I stuck with Nintendo. I also started really pushing into PC gaming as well, but I covered all my PC history last year. The Nintendo 64 was the first console I bought with my own money. I was working by […]

Whoops, I Dropped the Blaugust Ball

I’m skipping “Creator Appreciation Week” here for “Staying Motivated Week.” There are no rules anyway, you can’t stop me. Apparently I dropped the balloon Blaugust and have missed days. Which is fine, really. I mean it’s 100% fine. I never intended to “post every day” to start with, it just sort of, started happening. My first “miss” was Saturday, which was a “What I’ve been playing” post. These are basically the only posts I can’t pre write, and I was busy Saturday and tired, so I just, didn’t. Plus it […]