The Entire series can be found on this page.
This is the first full regular zone of the game and the second zone overall. It continues a bit of the trend from the Isle of Dawn though in sort of introducing some mechanics of things to the player including spirit doors and multi player doors. There are some of these in the Idle of Dawn of course, but they are way off the main path and not likely to be noticed on a first time visit.

There are some branching paths, but for the sake of candle runs, there is actually a pretty straight forward one way path that only really overlaps one zone, so, I’ll mostly follow that for this little write up.
Unlike the Isle of Dawn, this zone has a Social Area that the player drops into, where outfits can be changed and spirit memory spirits can be accessed once unlocked. The social area is also where the sapling can be found for daily quests and it often contains 1-2 seasonal candle parts.
Butterfly Field
The first zone is often referred to as the Butterfly field. It’s a large open space with a very large rock in the middle and 3 exits. There are a couple of spirit gates, one with a WL, the other just containing some candles. Any remaining Seasonal Candle parts will be in this zone. There are a few candles to be had, the most are in the cave near the end.
On the initial visit most likely you’ll need to just go straight on the Village area, but for candle runs, it’s best to exit to the left side (from the entry area) to the Caves.
Caves Area
What a boring name, but it’s a pretty boring area. There are an ok amount of candles in this area, I find it’s best to start off going across the cloud lake, then up to the right through the small tunnel to the Social Campfire. After collecting a bit from the campfire, head back and down and straight across. There is a spirit door here, though it requires a spirit from the Hidden Forest. If you have one, head through this gate for a spirit memory and some candles. It loops back to the main path.

There are some holes up high, one in the main larger chamber contains a WL, but the rest mostly just lead to out of bounds areas. Along the “exit” tunnel, there is also a second WL up high. Both of these are pretty easy to miss. Occasionally there will be a red shard event in this area as well. Exiting leads to the next zone.
The Villages
I’m not real sure what makes this a village, it has a few little monument things and several spirits in little caves, but otherwise it’s more like a series of islands surrounded by clouds. There are quite a few candles in this zone to collect across the little islands as well as several spirit memories and a few WL. Once all three of the beacons are lit, Rohan will ride to the aide of Gondor. Or well, a bunch of large Mantas will fly in and swoop around. On early trips, the next path is to ride a manta up to the temple, or just fly along the clouds.
If you have at least 6 spirits from The Daylight Prairie there is a better path. On the right most beacon island, there is a door that takes two people to open. Inside this door is a spirit gate locked by 6 spirits. (Technically this is a separate zone) Past this gate, is a room with a platform and a lock that requires a whopping 8 players to unlock it. This may seem daunting but just waiting for a few minutes, usually will cause additional players to spawn in and the platform can be raised. There are a large amount of candles at the top of this platform.

The platform is flanked by some large trees, one contains a WL. Another has yet ANOTHER multi person puzzle. if 7 people gather and hold a pose for a few minutes, it spawns a small dog that players and play with and ride on. Sadly, you don’t actually get the dog to keep. But it’s neat and one of the little hidden things in the game.
Heading out from here through the portal leads back to the Villages, except it exits up by the Temple entrance. Something notable, sometimes there is a red shard event up here. There are also a couple of WL up on top of the temple that are easy to miss.
The Temple
Inside the temple is pretty bland. There are a few candles to light for wax, and of course the Alter. For straight moving on, the Temple exit leads directly into the Social Area of the Hidden Forest. But for Candle runs, it’s best to turn and exit the temple.
Fly back across the villages to the left side little platform up in the clouds and heads to the next zone.
The Bird Nest
This zone is also accessible from The Butterfly Field, when exiting through the spirit gate on the right hand side. If you’re just going straight to Sanctuary Islands and not doing a candle run.
There Bird Nest both has a lot going on and almost nothing going on. When the Green Light comes up on Daily quests, it’s in this zone. There are a few places that Red Shard Events happen here. There are some wax points, but none of them are particularly large and flying around is tedious so it’s not really worth going for them. Most of the time it’s easiest to just pass through down through a cloud tunnel to the left from the Village, or straight across from the Butterfly Field, to the Sanctuary Island.
Sanctuary Island
Unlike the Bird Nest, there is a lot going on here, and it’s one of the more frequent zones to visit for it. There is a lot of wax to be had from burning darkness to lighting candle cakes to visiting the Geyser or Turtle events. Both happen every other hour (even hours in Central Time Zone). I believe Geyser is around 20 after and Turtle is around 50 after. With the Grandma Table in the Hidden Forest in between.

There is also a multi quest giving spirit here, which will have to do tasks around the sanctuary island. Plus several regular spirits.

It’s also, in general, one of the prettiest zones to just hang out in.
Anyway, there also isn’t an easy way out, so it’s best to just teleport home when done.