2009, 2015 - Chair - 1 Player The Good Metroidvania games are pretty much awesome by default. Interesting use of 2D and 3D Fun gameplay and puzzles The Bad Not…
Telltale is one of those companies that focuses on a single type of game. They are the absolute king of the “Slightly Overly Simple Un-losable Adventure Game” niche. They are…
I’m pretty torn on the Downloadable content for Saints Row the Third here. On one hand, I really love this game, and more is good. On the other hand, a…
1-2 Players Fight to be the ultimate fighting master in this uh.. fighting game! I haven't played any other Battle Arena Toshiden Games, so I can't really comment on how…
Aside from Saints Row the III, I’ve been spending a decent amount of my gaming time playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I have made it no secret that I…