Welcome to Blaugust. A sort of, celebration of blogging, created by bloggers, and set during the month of August. I first participated last year on Blogging Intensifies, I set a goal to blog daily over there, and I accomplished that goal. It was, a little grueling to be honest. this year, I’m participating here, on Lameazoid.com. And I have no plan or real intention to post daily.
The main reason for switching which of my two blogs I am using is well, frankly, a lot of the other Blaugust Blogs seem to be gamer style blogs, so Lameazoid just, fits better than random tech and music shit. I’ve also been posting here on Lameazoid more lately, so it seems easier. I think technically I can sort of combine the two for posting credit but this isn’t anything hard and official. It’s all honor system and the point is more just to blog.
I don’t have any real plan, other than maybe post some toy reviews and maybe be mildly more diligent with the “What I’ve been playing” posts that literally no one reads. Also I use the term “reviews” lightly. My current strategy is more just, rambling discussion about the stuff I buy and do. It’s way less “formal review” and just “Hey, I think this thing is neat, and there are some iffy parts.”
Anyway, you can find more information on Blaugust here. A list of participating blogs here, be sure to check them out. And if you want, my own 2023 Blaugust series on [Blogging Intensifies] is here.
“rambling discussion about the stuff I buy and do”. isn’t that the dictionary definition of blogging? Enjoy Blaugust.
Welcome to Blaugust! Happy to have you writing with us!