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Review – Mega Man X4 (PS1)

1 Player

Graphics: 8/10
Standard Mega Man style graphics.  Despite being on the PSX there isn’t all that much
more detail in the characters than the SNES had.  Some of the animation is better I
suppose, though some seems kind of cheap.  The Anime cut scenes are a nice addition
though.  Some pretty large enemies which is kind of a nice upgrade, but I don’t
remember much of X2 and X3 so it may not be the first time.

Music and Sound: 6/10
Once again, it’s a Mega Man game.  Funky fast paced guitar sounding techno music, which
blaster sound effects thrown in.  There are voices in the cut scenes though and through
out the game.  Unfortunately the (English) dub isn’t very good.  Mega Man sounds too
young, the English accent isn’t all that great for Iris, Double’s voice doesn’t work
for his normal form.  Zero is tolerable, the Colonel is actually kind of good, and the
General definitely doesn’t match his massive size.  For the most part it’s not that the
voices are bad, they just don’t match the characters very well.  Than and some of the
lines are kind of cheesy.

Gameplay: 7/10
Not to sound repetitive, but if you have played any Mega Man games, the control and
general plot is the same in all of them.  Fight 8 robot masters, fight some end levels
and special bosses, fight all 8 masters again, then fight the end boss in his 3 forms.
X4 has a fairly weak plot thrown in about the Repliforce revolting but they seem generally
unmotivated by anything other then wanting to fight.  Double and Iris’s extra plot points
would have been more worth while had the two received more characterization, Double is
particularly bad on this point.  It’s fun to play though.  Zero is sweet to play and gets
even more sweet as you learn more sword techniques.

Overall: 7/10
If you are a fan of the Mega Man series, this one is a pretty good game.  Personally I
think playing Zero is worth the game itself.  Despite being like every other Mega Man
game, it is still fun, and the series is still a great one.

Tip: I would recommend fighting the Spider or the Ice guy first.

Review – Metal Gear Solid (PS1)

1 Player

Once again Solid Snake must battle evil terrorists to stop them from using the Nuclear Warhead launching walking battle tank called Metal Gear.  An intense, involving story, and fantastic visual effects await ahead.

Graphics 9/10

While they occasionally seem pixilated when up close, you can’t really blame the programmers for limitation of the system they were using.  The camera angles are almost never wrong, the characters look great and varied, the cut scenes are very nice, and the character movement looks good.  One thing you could complain about is the lack of mouth movement during the 3D parts (the mouths move during comlink scenes), but once again, it’s probably more because of system limitations.

Music and Sound 10/10

This same has a great soundtrack.  The music always fits the mood and doesn’t get old. The sound effects are right on too.  There are footsteps, different gun shot sounds, background sounds, ect.  The voices are very good as well.  all of them sound believable for each character, which is usually the problem with dubbed voices.

Game Play 9/10

While the game may seem a little short after playing through a few times, there are two endings to find, plus some bonuses after completing the game that give it more life.  Though it doesn’t really need that much boost, the game is fun no matter how many times you replay it.  The different objectives are also varied enough that they don’t get too boring.  The bosses all play different and require different strategies. 

Overall 9.7/10

One more for the top games ever in my list.  This is a fabulous game that I would recommend to anyone who likes action games, or even RPGs, or games at all.  The story is complex and full of twists, and very good.  Plus it’s fairly cheap most places now, so you should have no reason not to own this game.

Tip: To beat Psyco mantis the easy way, switch the controller tot he second port at the beginning of the battle so he can’t “Read you mind”.  It IS possible to beat him otherwise though, I did the first time through, I recommend just staying low and punching him when
you can.  If you’re lucky you’ll get in a hit.

Review – Snake Rattle and Roll (NES)

1-2 Players

The snakes Rattle and Roll must battle their way through a 3/4 overhead 2D world to uh..
I’m not sure what.  Battle giant feet, toilet seats and chomp Nibbly Pibblys.

Graphics: 7/10
Well he graphics are kind of nice, though it does suffer some from “What is that supposed
to be?” syndrome.  Mostly on the (seemingly) toilet seats you battle.  You also seem to
fight bells, drills, and giant feet.  The feet seem to be the bosses.  The game is set
in a sort of 3/4 overhead 3D aspect, which can be very confusing on controls.  You will
probably find your snake plummeting to his doom due to missing a platform you were sure
you hit.

Music and Sound: 8/10
The music and sound is pretty good in this game.  There are different songs for each stage
(I believe), and the sound effects are fairly numerous.  A lot of the enemies are silent
but on the other side, when your snake spits to bits of Ninbbly Pibbly after eating one
it makes a spitting sort of sound.  Probably part of the problem arises from hardware
limiting the number of effects that can be played at once.

Game Play: 7/10
This game is only so so on one player.  It’s real fun is the two player game, which is
the same as single player except you play simultaneously.  It just seems more fun to have
someone to compete against.  It also starts out easy but gets pretty hard near the later
levels.  I only recall ever beating this game once, and I think that was with the
assistance of a second player (and possibly a Game Genies level warp).

Overall: 7.7
A reasonably fun game for two players, I probably played this game as much as Bubble
Bobble with my brother way back when.  Nothing to go to lengths to find really though.

Tip: There are lots of hidden manhole cover warps.  They are usually unmarked (you can’t
see the manhole cover but it’s there) and usually in hard to reach places.

Review – Mega Man 3 (NES)

1 Player

The Mega Man series, the greatest series ever.

You must control the Blue Bomber to once again defeat Dr. Wiley.

Graphics 9/10

Nice crisp Mega Man graphics.  Plus this game has one of the coolest looking sets of robot masters.  I suppose that I like this game makes me somewhat biased to the scores.  There is some slowdown though when there is more then like 2 enemies on the screen.

Music and Sound 9/10

Very good music.  While I was replaying it my brother commented on how cool the music in this game was just out of the blue.  It fits the theme and sounds nice for uh, NES music. The sounds are good as well.  Lots of little sound effects.

Gameplay 9/10

Lots of variety.  Some new things are introduced in this game, namely Proto Man and Rush.  Since this is the first MM game with these two elements it gets some bonus points.  It’s a very fun game too.  The Robot masters give a lot of variety.

Overall 9/10

This is definitely my favorite Mega Man game.  I think the only one coming close is MMX1. I would recommend this game definitely if you like Mega Man games and how could you not?


Hold Right and A on controller two for a super jump.  Now hold it and try jumping in a pit.

Review – Super Mario 64 (N64)

1 Player

Graphics: 9/10
For being one of the first is not THE first N64 game it still has some pretty nice graphics.
The character movement is very nice and dynamic.  Pario is quite fun to watch as he runs
all over.  All the old 2 dimensional enemies make the transition to 3D very well.  The
effects are also very cool.  My one complain is the camera.  It can often move in wierd
angles making it difficult to navigate the world.  This happens the most when you are

Music and Sound: 8/10
The music is pretty good.  Some of the old familiar tunes show up in new formats. The
sound effects are pretty nice too, You can usually hear the sound of enemies approaching,
though it can sometimes be hard to find exactly where they are approaching from.  Mario
yells a lot of stuff as he jumps around but it’s not repetitive or bad enough to get
annoying.  There are only two voices in the game, Mario and Princess Toadstool.  They
are OK I suppose, it’s more that the dialogue is kind of crappy.

Gameplay: 10/10
The great thing about this is that I think almost anyone could play this game.  Also it’s
a lot of fun.  I replayed this game for this review and I had forgotten how fun it was.
Mario has so many moves and combinations you may find yourself just running around jumping
on things for the sake of running around jumping on things.  The early levels are also
easy enough that the game keeps your attention early on.  The later levels get a bit more
difficult and do tent to sort of repeat the earlier levels only more difficult.  Also it’s
easy enough that you shouldn’t get stuck anywhere for long and if you do then chances are
there are a dozen other levels you could play instead.  The controls are pretty nice but
tend to seem a bit too loose for tight situations that require precision movements.

Overall: 9/10
This game was released to sell the N64 and it does a good job of it.  It shows off a lot
of the abilities of the system.  It’s probably one of the better N64 games and it’s one
that anyone could play and have fun.  I would recommend this game if you have an N64.

Tip: There are 120 stars all together.  Then you collect them all look for a new cannon
and head to the top of the castle for a meeting with an old friend.