Review – Deus Ex (PC)

Review – Deus Ex (PC)

There was a short period in gaming time not too long ago where many hyped up games we released all around the same period of time. These include games like…
The SIMS Site Banner

Review – The SIMS (PC)

Maxis Some games you just love to hate. Or maybe it's the other way around, you hate to love them. Then there are those you love and those you hate…
Ninja Gaiden Site Banner

Review – Ninja Gaiden (NES)

1 Player Kick ass classic Ninja action. Graphics 8/10 Pretty good.  The sprites all look like what they are supposed to look like, though the enemies are sometimes kind of…
Review – Fear Effect (PS1)

Review – Fear Effect (PS1)

1 Player What could have been great is somewhat ruined by poor controls and insane difficulty. Though it looks like a shooter, it's more of a puzzle game, the shooting…