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2022.05.26 – Elite Dangerous Log

So, I recently decided to add the Odyssey expansion to my Elite experience. This primarily adds a lot of planetary action. Basically, the ability to leave your ship. There is a little tutorial mission they make you run when first loading, infiltrate a little base, shoot some baddies, that sort of thing. In addition to landing on planets, you can get out at star ports. Which lets you see your cool ships parked in a hanger. I mean, you can also see them on planets I suppose. Anyway, my son […]

2022.05.24 – Elite Dangerous Log

Today’s Elite Dangerous update, I added a 4th ship to my collection, the Asp Explorer. I tried using it for transport runs at Robigo but its not as good as the Dolphin. So I decided to use it for its name sake, exploring (and maybe transporting goods and combat). The first thing I tried through was moving goods. The target was a ground base, which I had never trued before. When I discovered my AspX did not include Landing assist. So I sloppily crashed into buildings but managed to land. […]

2022.05.23 – Elite Dangerous Log

Today’s Elite Dangerous (catch up) post is brought to you by, Errors in Stellar Cartography and Route Plotting. I mentioned previously making money ferrying people between Rodrigo and Sothis (Seen below, quite close). While picking up passengers, I plotted and checked a route for someone going elsewhere. I opted not to take that job, it went WAY out. But I forgot to re-plot my route. I had been talking to my song and distracted. Next thing you know, I am hundreds of light years off course. This would be the […]

2022.05.18 – Elite Dangerous Log

A tale of two ships, Elite Dangerous in parts… Fairly recently, I added a Dolphin to my small like up of ships (Sidewinder -> Adder -> Dolphin). I outfitted it for passenger transporting, then took it out to Robigo. Robigo is a farther out, small mining colony, that has only one, close, destination for passengers. So you can make runs very quickly for pretty good money. My main hang up was the Luxury boxes I had installed didn’t hold enough passengers, so I had to downgrade them. Some things I […]

2022.05.10 – Elite Dangerous Log

In today’s edition of, “Last Night’s Adventures in Elite Dangerous ! I have been digging through guides and decided I needed to better outfit my Adder (turns out it is already pretty ok from years ago). I looked up a good system for parts, it was a ways off but not bad. Then, I ran out of fuel in a deserted system with an unscoopable sun. So I got to call the Fuel Rats, which was impressively quick and well organized. I tossed them a few bucks on their donation […]