I wonder if those titles should be more distinct or if it even matters. Anyway, I “completed” one game this week. Actually I sort of “beat” two games, but I forget how I have counted the Fortnite Battle Passes. Let’s call it one for now. The Fortnite BP technically goes to Level 200. F.I.S.T: Forged In Shadow Torch Man, that acronym. Someone really wanted it to stand for FIST. This was one of the free games from Epic over the Holidays that they push every year. It looked interesting from […]
Star Wars Black Series Figrin D’an
I’ve really cut back on the Black Series of late, but occasionally something comes up that I still like. In this case it’s Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes. This is a figure that’s honestly, not real exciting, a weird looking alien who is part of a Space Smooth Jazz Band. This is also one that kind of warrants needing more than one, because who wants just one band member? I wasn’t too keen on buying 6 of him though, so I opted for 3, especially at like, 60% off. […]
Disney Mirrorverse Genie
Here is another from the Big Box of Disappoint. Though I kind of expected it in this case. I am not entirely sure what Mirrorverse is, I think it’s some sort of battling mobile game, which is why all the figures in this line look a little different from their standard incarnations. This Genie is sort of a combo of Genie and Jafar I think. He is kind of cool looking and there aren’t really any articulated Geniue figures that I know of. Except there still aren’t really any Genie […]
Fortnite Victory Royale The Scientist
A little before Christmas I bought a bunch of “Clearance masquerading as a Christmas Sale from Entertainment Earth stuff. It was all stuff I had been “sort of looking at” for a while, but for super marked down, I decided why not. Slightly annoyingly, a lot of it ended up being slightly disappointing for one reason or another. Maybe I need to start listening to tat little, “you put this off for a reason” voice more. Anyway, this was one of them. In the last year, I’ve started playing a […]
Naughty or Nice Classic Santa Clause
Just in time for Christmas, Fresh Monkey Fiction has put out the first wave of their first wave of their holiday themed Naught or Nice Collection. I had the Cyborg Santa on order but cancelled it because I decided I didn’t really need it, but I did keep the “Classic Santa”. Classic Santa, as the name suggests, if generically regular. The whole line has several themed Santas, some straight recolors, some with different heads (like Cyborg Santa having a damaged robot head) as well as some Elves and Nutcrackers. I […]