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A Layman’s Guide to Sky: Children of the Light – Intro

The Entire series can be found on this page. I’ve been playing this game Sky: Children of the Light for a while, and like many games I play regularly, I’ve felt compelled to sort of, write up my experiences. Now, I’m calling this a “Guide” but it’s not really. I’m not going to detail where to find everything exactly, “fly here, do this, hop 5 times to the right”, more, just a free flow of thoughts on the various parts of the game and things I’ve noticed or learned along […]

What I’ve Been Playing Recently

I came up with a good “post series” name the other day but like a dumb-ass, I didn’t write it down anywhere so I’ve forgotten it. Let this be a lesson to the younger folks out there, you can’t rely on your memory forever, it eventually becomes filled with nonsense like the names of Mario Brothers monsters from 40 years ago. I use all sorts of reminder notifications and note taking methods in my daily life, but that sort of topic is much more apt for Blogging Intensifies than here. […]

Review – Wario Land 3 (GBC) (2000)

Wario Land 3 Banner

The next part of my reverse adventure through the Wario Land Franchise, is Wario Land 3.  I decided I had enough to say about this game that it kind of deserved it’s own post all it’s own.  I’ve finished the game, though I did not (yet) collect all of the 100 treasures.  I have no idea what Wario Land 2 is like, maybe that game is similar in nature to this one, though I will say, this gives me a bit of new perspective on Wario Land 4 which I’ll […]

Power Rangers Lightning Collection Eye Guy

Of all of these Lightning Collection monsters, Eye Guy is one that differes quite a bit from the show design. For one, he’s a lot more bulked out. The original costume has a weird design and you can tell the person inside is a lot smaller than the suit by the weird arms. It’s not inaccurate, it’s just a bit more stylized. The eyes are also a lot less detailed than the actual suit, which is likely a cost cutting measure. That said, there are a lot of eyes and […]

Power Rangers Lightning Collection Pudgy Pig

For some reason I always think of Pudgy Pig as the first monster that the Power Rangers fought, but that is not accurate. It’s like the 5th or 6th, and heck, even King Sphinx was earlier than that that. There were two releases for Pudgy Pig, one early on for SDCC which included a Lunch Box case. And that’s essentially the only difference I think,. which is why I was kind of glad I skipped it. There was a bit of a controversy because the promo shots kind of implied […]