Friday 2023-09-29 – Link List

Lameazoid Link List for Friday 2023-09-2929-Sep-2023 - Cuphead receives Xbox exclusive anniversary updateBrief Summary: " An Xbox exclusive update for Cuphead is now available to celebrate the game's sixth birthday.…

Wednesday 2023-09-27 – Link List

Lameazoid Link List for Wednesday 2023-09-2727-Sep-2023 - Pokémon Go raises in-game currency pricesBrief Summary: " Pokémon Go has quietly raised prices for in-game currency bundles in a number of regions,…

Fast X, 2023 – ★★½

I legit can't decide if this is really great or really awful, often for the same reasons. Jason Momoa is hilarious and great. Vin Diesel is kind of a parody playing a parody of Dom at this point. Everyone is just sort of there, bumbling around for so...