This is more of a what’s new in games I have been playing I suppose. My game playing has extremely stagnated and I have honestly stagnated on how much I give a shit about games (and almost everything honestly). But let’s not dwell too deeply on that right…. Right? Everything is fine.

I went back to Fortnite a but recently. Mostly because I remembered there was a Godzilla thing going on. I have yet to see the Godzilla thing after several matches. I never saw Dr Doom either. I am not sure why they make these special things that probably take a lot of effort, then gate keep them with spawn probabilities and make them last like 2 weeks. There will probably be a Godzilla LTM after the battle Royale event but I never rolled playing as Doom there either.

I have been vaguely poling around in the LEGO mode a bit again. Mostly I have been itching a bit to play Minecraft again some.
I started a fresh Java world using a seed that is apparently reasonably well known with a huge deep well basin surrounded by Sakura Blossom trees in the ridge. I have not done much, because I always play survival so its slow, but its been alright.
Ideally, at some point, I want to get Multiverse Portals working so I can make a HUB and just between cool custom maps I have found online like King’s Landing or the Zelda world or Pokemon.
Sky: Children of the Light
I’ve really dropped off caring about Sky. Its just, so repetitive with the stupid candle grind. And there have been a to of events all layered back to back. There was Alice in Wonderland for Christmas, and now there is a Traveling Spirit Group, and we had the Season of Moomin, and there was a Days of Music thing.
The new season started, maybe even a few days ago, but I completely missed it was even starting. It adds the ability to dye clothing different colors, which is neat but it’s just… More shit to grind for.
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
I only played a bit on this one, but it finally got cheap enough ($5) that I wanted to give it a go. At first it didn’t seem awful, but then I kind of died, during what is effectively the tutorial level. Like, WTF are you doing game???

Infinity Nikki
This game.

This game has occupied all my game time. I forgot I had even signed up to be notified of the launch, and never expected it to be just, so great. Its good, its really good. The combat mechanics are lame and boring, but the combat is bot a huge part of the game. Its all, platform jumping and puzzles. With a dress up game layered in, which is also part of the plot.
Also, adorable little creatures committing war ccrimes.

And it has a good story. Its pretty compelling and way more than I ever expected, with some rather dark twists and turns. I have, more or less, completed the main story, finally. Though there is a brief moment at the end, that implies a road map to add additional entire worlds and maps with different themes. Which I am fine with. Give me another story and world to explore. I have not quite finished this one, but I am ready for more.

The company seems pretty enthusiastic about it too, and keeping the community happy. It is, at its core, a gatcha game, built around people spending money on random draws for items. But its also extremely generous with free stuff, and plenty of codes for free stuff if you keep up. And even just not even really requiring any of it. Plus the surveys they send out, you can really tell, just by the wording, which can be so dry and corporate on these sort of things, that they care about keeping the game good.

Whatever the case, if it were a single player, buy it once game, I would still say it was good and worthwhile.