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The Art of Racing in the Rain, 2019 – 3/5

It’s a “Dog Movie” and a “Life of Movie”, and hits all of the expected emotional drops you would think of when you think of those films.
It’s not bad, it’s just generally fairly bland and predictable overall. There is some vague backdrop of fast cars and racing but it’s very much a lose backdrop behind the life and times story.

Bohemian Rhapsody, 2018 – 3.5/5

A fun look back at the life of queen frontman Freddie Mercury. Rami Malek does a decent job in his portrayal.

Dark Phoenix, 2019 – 2.5/5

For the final hurrah of the Fox based X-Men universe, this movie really does a good job of paying tribute to the mediocre and dull inconsistency of the series.

I still kind of really dislike Sophie turner as Jean Gray.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, 2019 – 1.5/5

Let’s take everything star Wars has build up in it’s legacy and just complete dump all over it with some randomized nonsense. We still don’t get any satisfactory explanation for the First Order or Rey, or even why the main baddie of this film even exists. Kylo’s entire arc basically goes nowhere, Finn and company get shuffled even more into the useless background.

The first of the Sequel Trilogy wasn’t great but ok, maybe they can go somewhere with all of this. By the end we have three movie which are all almost completely unrelated to each other with a lot of potential that’s completely unrealized because the creators can’t decide if they want to lean into the nostalgia bus full tilt or try to go their own completely different way.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, 2018 – 2.5/5

I really enjoy the Fantastic Beasts concept for being a movie int he Potterverse about adults who actually just use Magic all the time in their daily lives. The while somewhat shoehorned aspects of the “Beasts” is a little cheesy but it mostly works.

I am looking forward to where this whole series is going, but this particular film is just too meandering and meaningless in the end. The core plot never really gets any sort of resolution that makes any real sense, we never really get any real reason to care about who the LeStranges were or why their lineage is apparently so important. A bunch of fancy eye candy happens as our heroes sort of bumble about while Grindelwald is doing… something… sinister, I guess, in the background.

The core problem really seems like this entire film just feels like a set up for future events, more than a film that really stands up on it’s own.