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The Tin Soldier, 1995 – ★★½

The image on Tubi has Jon Voight holding a sword and shield with this goofy grin, and that's like 90% of the reason I watched this.

I don't think there is a sword or shield anywhere in this.

The whole thing is definitely "After school morals" material. It has some.incredibly.cringe parts, but some genuinely entertaining parts too. Part of that comes from it's TV Movie nature really.

Reality, 2023 – ★★★★

Watched on Monday June 24, 2024.

Soldier’s Girl, 2003 – ★★★★

"I don't recognize the lead actress in this.... It's Lee Pace???"

A rather interesting based on a true story movie that took an interesting turn near the end. It's also kind of surprising in general how, for the most part, everyone seemed to not really care about the relationship presented, especially given the current political climate where lots of people do care, very negatively, about things that have no effect on them.

It's honestly not even clear the relationship was even really the driving factor in the climax moment.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, 2016 – ★★★½

What if, Lost in Translation, but it's Afghanistan during a war.

Mother of the Bride, 2024 – ★★ (contains spoilers)

This review may contain spoilers.

I can't think of much besides it's pretty predictable and the dozens of step siblings married jokes everyone has already made.