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Planes, Trains and Automobiles, 1987 – ★★★½

A deep deconstruction of two types of self centered asshole personality types.

Christmas Belle, 2013 – ★★½

The dog is named "Beast" and all I could think was, "Belle ends up with the Beast in the original story". And then they started talking about how "Beast doesn't normally sleep with people" and how "Beast was so snuggly" and I about lost it at the implication. THE IMPLICATION PS, this is a weird, barely Christmasey, Lifetime Movie style remake of Beauty and the Beast.

GoldenEye, 1995 – ★★★★

Watched on Saturday October 22, 2022.

No Time to Die, 2021 – ★★★ (contains spoilers)

This review may contain spoilers. I am nist going to go with everyone else and say more Ana De Armas. Also, Craig really wanted to make sure people knew he was done. Makes me wonder what's next as his supporting crew seemed to be starting to hit their groove a bit.

Spectre, 2015 – ★★★½

It seems like Voldemort and Moriarty would get along better but I guess not.