Reminiscence, 2021 – ★★★

I liked it, I liked the dystopian sort of cyberpunk ish Noir world. There are a lot of parts that kind of feel like, "Is this based on a book where this is a bit more fleshed out." And the end was a little meh, not for what it was but for just, reaso...

S.W.A.T., 2003 – ★★★

Starts going off the rails a bit during the climax, but the build up is fun and the plane bit during training was great.Why did they keep foreshadowing that big harpoon gun then nothing came of it?Also, it felt like they made the villain as multinati...

Star Trek Beyond, 2016 – ★★★★

Probably the best of these honestly. Only two real core issues.One is a mild spoiler but it involves ship sizes vs crew sizes. I am sure that can be inferred.The other is Spock's hair. WTF is going on with Spock's weird looking hair in this.

Star Trek Into Darkness, 2013 – ★★

Why is Cumberband so freakishly intense in this thing?Also, within the span of like, five minutes, maybe even real time, Kirk goes from Captain of the Federation's most prized starship, back to academy cadet, back to First Officer, back to Captain.Li...

Star Trek, 2009 – ★★★

Apparently watching Star Trek Discovery has numbed me to weird "Non Trekisms", because I enjoyed this one a bit more than I remember.The villain is kind of lame and forgettable though. Maybe the real villain was the challenge to make friends with eac...

Nezura 1964, 2020 – ★½

A weird drama documentary about a movie that may or may not have been a real movie that was never produced.It's honestly not real clear, and it's not really a Kaiju film at all.