I cannot, for the life of me, properly remeber Chirrut Imwe. I keep wanting to go with Churrit Imwe, or Chimwe Irrut, or some backwards variation. Last week I commented on his partner Baze Malbus.

So Chirrut Imwe is the closes thing Rogue One has to a Jedi in it’s cast. Ok, technically Darth Vader is in the cast, but he’s kind of a minor character who mostly exists for fanservice. It’s never super clear if Chirrut is force attuned or anything, though given his martial arts skills adn that his character is blind, it seems likely. Unfortunately for Chirrut, he lives in a time without Jedi, so no one was able to train him. He is sort of a Jedi sympathizer monk of some sort.

Where Baze Malbus is kind of a stocky brick of a figure, Chirrut Imwe is considerably less restricted. This is great since he is sort of a martial artists character. He has a nice cloth skirt that allows his legs to still be posed in kicking or jumping poses without limiting the articulation. His torso doesn’t have anything particularly glaring that gets int he way of the arms either.

Chirrut comes with an small assortment of weapons. First is his staff weapon. It’s pretty straight forward. He also includes his crossbow, blaster, weapon thing. It’s kind of hard to describe. It’s basically a space rifle, but it has an extra handle piece that can slip over the barrel with little fold out bits that make it look sort of like a bow or a crossbow. It’s a laser gun though, so it doesn’t exactly shoot bolts. Then again, we are talking about a series that includes a Wookie that wields a bowcaster crossbow.

Chirrut Imwe is probably the most exciting figure to come out of the Rogue One series of figures. It’s a shame that he was hard to come by for a long time and it seems like a lot fo people kind of forgot Rogue One even was a thing.