The Entire series can be found on this page. Once the center of manufacturing in the World of Sky, now a desert wasteland of poison after the great war. This is the most dangerous of the normal zones, but a large margin. It is chock full of things trying to kill you all along the way. Even the water is trying to kill you, and it’s not even raining! It’s definitely a horrific zone to traverse on the first run. It’s not super fun once you get more experience and […]
Sky: CotL Guide Part 4 – The Valley of Triumph
The Entire series can be found on this page. The Valley of Triumph is the fourth area of Sky. It can be a bit tricky to navigate through as it contains a lot of “one way” paths. At least half of it’s paths are essentially one way, so navigating the entire thing will take several return trips. The first split occurs right at the Social Area starting zone. The main path leads to a downhill slide, a one way path, and the other leads through a cave to the Village, […]
Sky: CotL Guide Part 3 – The Hidden Forest
The Entire series can be found on this page. This is the 3rd zone of the game and the first that poses an actual threat to players, especially low “level” new Moth players. Its continuous rain will cause a constant drain on the player’s light level and eventually start causing harm, draining Winged Lights. It’s relatively easy to avoid this by simply finding cover and recharging. Experienced players won’t really find this a threat at all and the zone is one of the most peaceful and relaxing areas of the […]
Sky: CotL Guide Part 2 – The Daylight Prairie
The Entire series can be found on this page. This is the first full regular zone of the game and the second zone overall. It continues a bit of the trend from the Isle of Dawn though in sort of introducing some mechanics of things to the player including spirit doors and multi player doors. There are some of these in the Idle of Dawn of course, but they are way off the main path and not likely to be noticed on a first time visit. There are some branching […]
Sky: CotL Guide Part 1 – The Isle of Dawn
The Entire series can be found on this page. When you first drop into the game, you start on the Isle of Dawn. It’s actually a deceivingly complex zone, that designed in a way that hides this fact. Part of what helps this is that on the initial visit, it very much hand holds you through the trip. It pushes you through the opening cave, then later encourages you to go and collect that first Winged Light upgrade, and then to fly up the little cliff, and from there there […]