So I've established a house, next order of business is to fancy things up. Well, more to start, leveling up skills. In order to be able to fancy things up.…
A while back I wishlisted this game on Steam called Palia. It kind of feels like, Stardew Valley but 3D with MMO elements. There isn't any combat though. It's commonly…
I've been, really bad about keeping up on these. Oh well. Anyway, let's take a little trip down what I've been playing since uh... (checks notes) ... wow, January. I'm…
I've finished up watching season 2 of this show. I really hope it gets a Season 3. With COVID and the strike and everything else, who knows. It hasn't officially…
I always kind of debate on whether project posts like this should go here or on Blogging Intensifies. On one hand, it's a Video Game related post and project. On…