While I really prefer the Figma Overwatch figures to the Hasbro Ultimates versions, I have very little hope that Figma will every put out any of the larger Tank heroes. This is the one place where Hasbro definitely has the advantage. A standard sized Figma is anywhere from $50-$70+, a Figma the size of any of the tanks would easily run $150-$200, versus Hasbro’s $50. The first of the larger figures put out by Hasbro is Reinhardt, in his standard look. I believe Reinhardt has a slightly more limited release versus the single packed figures. I imagine part of this is his price and his size.

I was a little worried about the idea of this figure. There are a lot of elements here that could easily go wrong. He has slightly swirly” plastic, he is bulky which could hinder articulation, he could feel too large or too small, that sort of thing. The articulation was the biggest worry. Larger figures tend to have issues with articulation, especially from Hasbro, and armored figures in general tend to be super limited by armor bits. Reinhardt, fortunately, manages to avoid this problem for the most part. He isn’t “Spider-Man” articulated, but he is pretty pose-able. The bulk gets in the way of everything way less than expected.
He also scales very well next to both the other Hasbro figures and the Figmas. He has a lot of nice heft to him and feels solid all around. There are also a lot fo nice details on every part of him, I particularly like his hammer. The hammer works well, he can carry it in one or two hands and pose to look like he is swinging it.
He also has a shield accessory part. The lion crest on his arm pops off and the shield can be placed between the arm and crest. It has a couple of pieces that let it stand on the ground independently but Rein can also carry it around. The shield is pretty neat, but I have a few complaints with it. It feels a little too opaque. Part of this is the plastic needed to make it durable I’m sure, since transparent plastic tends to be much more brittle. A second complaint. The lion crest tends to fall off his arm. The armor sculpt gets int he way of fitting it on snugly, so it just, doesn’t fit very securely without the shield.
My other nitpick with this figure, especially for the price, he really should have come with a swap-able helmet free Reinhardt head. You could argue they might do this in a future release, for a different skin. You could argue that in game Rein always has his helmet on with this skin. I would argue that Hasbro will be very lucky if the line lasts long enough to release all 6 tanks (Rein, Orisa, Roadhouse, D.Va, Winston and Hammond), much less alternate skins of the tanks. Even if they did release another Rein with an unmasked head, I doubt a lot of people would want or need a second huge Rein figure and they certainly aren’t going to drop $50 just for the head. Basically, I doubt there is ever a chance to put out an unhelmeted Rein head, and not getting one now kind of sucks as a result.
Other than the head thing, he really is a good figure. I do feel like the $50 price tag feels a bit too high. He doesn’t really feel like 2x a single packed, smaller figure. He comes in a huge box, but a lot of the huge box exists to accommodate his huge shield. I would say he is still worth picking up for Reinhardt fans and anyone wanting a tank to go with all the smaller figures.