Sunday 2023-11-05 – Link List

Lameazoid Link List for Sunday 2023-11-0505-Nov-2023 - Perfect Dark: RecompiledBrief Summary: "There’s an interesting renaissance of Nintendo 64 gaming, powered by the ability to decompile n64 ro"

Friday 2023-11-03 – Link List

Lameazoid Link List for Friday 2023-11-0303-Nov-2023 - Lain Title Song Gets New Video, New Fans and a Reformed BandBrief Summary: "The British band Bôa has reformed thanks to the huge…

The Maxx, 1995 – ★★★★½

I hate that nothing really seems to have ever come of this show or the comic series because its so good. The winding dialogue here, the lish animation, the bleak world, its all so daman good.