Everyone knows the classic Voltron version with its 5 lions. There have been a few versions from the Stealth Voltron and Netflix Voltron and the newer Modern Voltron. There was also an additional team though that was made up of 15 vehicles, divided into three teams, colloquially called, “Vehicle Voltron.”
Like the Lions, it was based on a Japanese series, in this case, Dairugger XV. I have always really loved the Vehicle Voltron design, even though the Lions always got all the love.

Ok, more specifically, I like the combined mode design more, the separated designs are, kind of lame in the majority of cases. There are three teams based around land, sea, and air, each consisting of 5 vehicles each. Some of the vehicles are neat. The helicopters and the little trucks are cool. The battleship looking ones are alright. The head is cool.
A lot of the others are essentially just, “A box on wheels.”. Some have little flip out towers or whatnot to give them a bit more variety, but they are still just, weird boxes.

Each of the three teams can form a combined vehicle. They also all combine into one larger robot.
The real fun of this is definitely the combined robot. It’s surprisingly articulated and hides the joints in the blocky vehicles that make up most of its torso and pelvis very well.

Some of the articulation is tricky to use though. Mostly because some of the actual connection joints feel a bit fragile. This is not a model kit, but it very much has the FEEL of a model kit. It’s light weight, pretty stiff plastic 5+3 joint tolerances for the connections feel a bit too type.

I still really dig it though. And it helps fill out the little collection of similarly sized robots and Kaiju I have been working on building up very nicely. It’s a little smaller than my Die Cast modern Voltron, but not so much that it’s super out of place. I am really hoping it scales well with the Moderoid Lion Voltron I have on the way (which IS a model).