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Blaugust 2024 – The End and What I Learned Week

I kind of let this one really fall off after a strong start. I’ve already kind of touched on the various whys of it all. Mostly just a combination of being busy and the usual lack of motivation. I can’t say I learned anything new that varies from last year’s wrap up. I wish I could be more positive. I’m still pining for the days of old I guess.

Which also may be part of why I’m so jaded. I’ve been blogging for a long time. Like, a really long time. Since before Live Journal was a thing really, though it wasn’t really a “blog platform” just a bunch of hand-coded HTML files on Geocities.

I’ve probably talked about this one before too. When you get old you tend to ramble and repeat the same stories over and over I guess. There wasn’t even really a word for it, it was just “your website.” But I had found other sites doing dated updates and did that myself as well. In the end, all of my other hobbies, feed down to my one true hobby, which is writing. I’d like to think I’m good at it, but I’m probably not.

I love that meme. It’s my favorite meme ever. It really is, and trust me, I’ve seen sooooo many memes, and have a stupid useless archive of tons of random memes on a shared network drive. I don’t know why, but it’s there.

Anyway, this is starting to get rambly and turn into a Blogging Intensifies post and not really a Lameazoid post. It’s all SRS BNS over here on None of this personal journaling style rambling on this blog, no sir.

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