Lameazoid Link List for Tuesday 2024-09-17

17-Sep-2024 – Which Path Should You Choose for the Legendary Heroes Pokemon GO Event?
Brief Summary: “Much like the main series games, Pokemon GO likes to offer branching research paths. In the Legendar”

17-Sep-2024 – The Star Trek Shatnerverse Still Features the Wildest Version of Captain Kirk Ever
Brief Summary: “When the credits rolled on Star Trek Generations back in November 1994, some fans (including this wr”

17-Sep-2024 – Minecraft console studio making new creative survival sandbox game
Brief Summary: ” 4J Studios – the award-winning developer best known for bringing Mojang’s Minecraft to consoles – h”

17-Sep-2024 – Coral Island Early Impressions
Brief Summary: “Let’s not beat around the bush with this one – Coral Island is a Stardew Valley clone. Or if not qui”