Lameazoid Link List for Tuesday 2023-10-17

17-Oct-2023 – Activision Blizzard Titles Won’t Come to Game Pass Until 2024
Brief Summary: “Microsoft’s Phil Spencer said that Activision Blizzard titles can’t come to Xbox Game Pass until 202”

17-Oct-2023 – Mario Games May Be Better, But Sonic Games Are More Fun
Brief Summary: “Of all of the rivalries to ever grace gaming, the battle between Mario and Sonic is arguably the mos”

17-Oct-2023 – Van Gogh Pikachu Card Removed from Museum Over Safety Concerns
Brief Summary: ”
Late last month, Otaku USA reported that Amsterdam’s Vincent van Gogh Museum was teaming up with Po”

17-Oct-2023 – Can an 8-Bit Light Gun Work on a Modern TV?
Brief Summary: “It’s an accepted part of retro gaming lore, that 8-bit consoles perform best when used with an origi”

17-Oct-2023 – Alan Wake just got a playable half-hour recap in Fortnite ahead of its sequel
Brief Summary: ”
If you’re super-excited for the release of Alan Wake 2 later this month, but can’t quite recall th”

17-Oct-2023 – Warwick Davis calls out Disney for removing Willow from streaming
Brief Summary: “Read the original post here: Flickering Myth
It has been quite an unpredictable year for streaming “

17-Oct-2023 – A new Alan Wake game just launched in Fortnite
Brief Summary: ”
Image: Epic Games
There’s another Alan Wake game in the works — but this one”

17-Oct-2023 – Epic detail plans for Epic Games Store improvements – and how they’re going to tempt more devs from Steam
Brief Summary: ”
Epic have dropped a bunch of details as to planned improvements for the Epic Games Store in the o”

17-Oct-2023 – New King Kong Game Criticized As “Low Effort Shovelware”
Brief Summary: “Upcoming film tie-in game Skull Island: Rise of Kong has received criticism on social media after ga”