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Reviews – Video Games

Varsity Blues, 1999 – 4/5

I really enjoy this movie. It’s not even particularly great of a film but I just really enjoy it. I think mostly it’s the music is great and the shots during the football game segments.

Shrek, 2001 – 4/5

Memes aside, this film is entertaining and a nice twist of the fairy tale genre.

Shrek 2, 2004 – 4/5

Not as good as the first but still decent. It’s almost just a reverse version of the original plot, which is kind of lame.

Descendants, 2015 – 2.5/5

Its not high cinema but it’s not like it’s trying to be. It’s just a funky batch of references to Disney’s classic cartoon movies in a predictable storyline with some okish musical numbers thrown in.

Descendants 2, 2017 – 2/5

More of the first film, and actually kind of the same plot as the first one. There are way less of the entertaining parents bits though and the musical numbers, for the most part are not as good, partially because the sound mixing feels way off during the music parts.