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Reviews – Video Games

Human Capital, 2019 – 2/5

A bunch for stuff happens and it’s kind of meh. I really thought this would be better…

Equilibrium, 2002 – 3.5/5

What if 1984, but it’s The Matrix.

Richard Jewell, 2019 – 3/5

It was alright. Kind of funny seeing Sam Rockwell play a reasonably likable character, because he seems like he normally plays jackass types.

1917, 2019 – 4.5/5

One Shot movies are my fetish.

Bad Boys for Life, 2020 – 2.5/5

There is a dude in this nammed Reggie, who Has one other acting credit as Reggie in Bad Boys 2 and I kind of can’t get over that.

Otherwise it’s an alright action movie that feels like it wants to pass the torch from its original, aging, pair but fails to do so in any real meaningful way. Will Smith does alright but Martin Lawrence, while enjoyable, feels like he kind of doesn’t want to be there anymore.