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Reviews – Video Games

Crash, 2004 – 1/5

What if you make a movie to make a statement on racism, but every single person is a racist stereotype and sees everyone else as a racist stereotype.

Who made this fucking joke?

The Addams Family, 2019 – 2/5

It’s not particularly exciting not particularly awful. It just sort of is. It kind of gets better once it starts to have an actual plot a third of the way in but the plot is incredibly predictable.

Freaky, 2020 – 4/5

A fun twist on a concept that has been remade into a movie like a half dozen times already.

The Italian Job, 2003 – 3/5

It kind of feels like a commercial for Mini Coopers.

Into the Woods, 2014 – 3/5

I have not seen the stage version and I found it mostly enjoyable until the second half which really felt random and tacked on, I half wondered if it had been added to pad out the show. Apparently it was just severely gutted, which also explains why the show went from being constant singing to… Very little singing and a lot of exposition.