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Reviews – Video Games

Tenet, 2020 – 2.5/5

Lots of flash, and a lot of middling slow exposition. There is almost a neat concept here but it doesn’t really know how to present itself beyond flashy special effects. Also there was this constant reminder about the lady’s son like he was going to be important, maybe that’s for the sequel or something.

Red Dawn, 1984 – 1/5

Basically circle jerky propaganda about the idea that a bunch of kids and yokels could easily fend off an invasion of trained Communist Soldiers.

Dora and the Lost City of Gold, 2019 – 4/5

It’s honestly way better than I expected it to be.

Taxi Driver, 1976 – 4/5

It’s exactly like that Joker movie everyone raves about except good.

Black Widow, 2021 – 3/5

It’s not bad but I wanted to like this so much more. It’s just kind of… Wandering and feels kind of random. The climax was particularly bad and it mostly just felt like the movie wasn’t sure what story it wanted to tell. At it’s core, it’s basically a set up to introduce Natasha’s sister, but it doesn’t feel like it pushed that angle as much as it should have.