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Reviews – Video Games

Supernova, 2000 – ★★½

Man, I like Spader but this movie is kind of dull for being "Sci-Fi Survivor Horror" and he. Can't really save it. Also making hyperspace jumps is apparently the same as having sex.

Predestination, 2014 – ★★

This whole time loop conceptmisn'tvas clever as it wants to think it is. The movie also has to go out of its way to hide its secrets behind some lengthy exposition for the first half of the film.

The Weeknd x The Dawn FM Experience, 2022 – ★★★

The music is good and the album iself is pretty fantastic, but I kind of expected this to be a bit more than just, the Weekend singing in the middle of a crowd for a bit. I mean, I did not expect a movie, but the album itself has a vague little story to it and some interlude bits and I figured this would be more of a series of music video style vignettes that all connected together than a straight concert.

The Fifth Element, 1997 – ★★★★½

Twenty Five years later and still a perfect masterpiece of sci-fi and cyberpunk. Well, ok, its a little goofy, but still great.

Ratatouille, 2007 – ★★★★

Watched on Sunday June 5, 2022.