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Reviews – Video Games

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, 2022 – ★★★★

I think I liked it a vit better than Knives Out though it took a bit to get going.

Top Gun, 1986 – ★★★

Why does this movie only have like 3 songs in the soundtrack that just repeat over and over?

In the Line of Duty: Siege at Marion, 1992 – ★★½

Watched on Wednesday December 28, 2022.

Tangled, 2010 – ★★★★

Watched on Friday July 15, 2022.

Batman & Robin, 1997 – ★★★½

I had this at a 2 last time I rated it but honestly, its not as awful as its made out to be. I mean, its corney, and the dialogue is pretty bad, but the core plot is decent in a fun comic book way and the special effects are honestly pretty good, especially given the age of this movie.