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The Batman, 2022 – ★★★★

I really enjoy this Batman take a lot. It definitely feels "inspired" by the Nolan Batman, which helps, but also, he is just so much more down to Earth.

Especially after coming off Batfleck, where Batman is literally fighting God Tier Superman. This Batman gets injured and doesn't always have the perfect gadget for every obscure moment handy. He feels very much like he is just a dude in a leather outfit.

Also, the story really gets that Batman, is Batman, Bruce Wayne is essentially the secret identity alter ego. Batman, is Batman first.

The Flash, 2023 – ★★★½

Ezra Miller being a garbage person aside, I rather enjoyed this film. It did kind of feel like a lot of cameo moments for the sake of cameos. I kind of really like the whole "time fulcrum" take on time travel.

Keaton is entertaining in his return as Batman, Supergirl is pretty cool and being more, "tough bad ass" is a good differentiator from the TV version which feels endlessly perky. I like the backdrop of Zod from Man of Steel for the climax, and I like that the climax itself wasn't really a long drawn out fight. Just a simple, elegant solution and "Stupid Barry" managed to actually learn what it takes to be a hero.

Also, yeah, the CGI is garbage.

Watchmen, 2009 – ★★★★

Watched on Tuesday May 7, 2024.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League, 2021 – ★★★½

Bruce Wayne, zillionaire, his ENTIRE motivation is guilt from being baited by Lex into getting Clark Kent killed.

And he lets Martha Kent's house go into foreclosure?

Having watched this little trilogy (MoS, BvS, JL) all back to back, I kind of do see the "vision" here, and it's not awful. The first two needed some editing, surprisingly, this one, the longest one, kind of did better as a long movie.

A lot of set up going on for some sort of Legion of Doom or Darkseid moment, but it's not clear if any of that will ever happen thanks to Barry's shenanigans in the Flash.

Aquaman is kind of a sourpuss in this and it's dumb.

Also, in another world, Ryan Reynolds was part of this as the Green Lantern, which could have been fun.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, 2016 – ★★★

It's not quite as bad as I remember it being, but there is a lot that should have been, could have been cut, to streamline things a bit.

Batman feels like a bit is an obsessive psycho. Plus he spends the entire movie hating Superman for all the collateral damage from Man of Steel, then leads the big bad, right to Gotham. I guess Gotham is full of criminal scum and doesn't matter? Where did Gotham come from anyway, suddenly it's right across the river from Metropolis?