I mean, it's goofy and intended to be that way, like the last two movies. And it's generally more ceherent in terms of overall plot than the last two movies, aside from not really explaining why it was a good idea to give Alexa killing powers.
This review may contain spoilers. An alright rom com film. But the real amusing story here is the underlying plot about obsessive fandoms. Dude does not even recognize the rockstar he has a literal shrine to. And he basically has all the facts wrong ...
I really enjoy this Batman take a lot. It definitely feels "inspired" by the Nolan Batman, which helps, but also, he is just so much more down to Earth. Especially after coming off Batfleck, where Batman is literally fighting God Tier Superman. This ...
Ezra Miller being a garbage person aside, I rather enjoyed this film. It did kind of feel like a lot of cameo moments for the sake of cameos. I kind of really like the whole "time fulcrum" take on time travel. Keaton is entertaining in his return as ...