Star Trek, 2009 – ★★★

Apparently watching Star Trek Discovery has numbed me to weird "Non Trekisms", because I enjoyed this one a bit more than I remember.The villain is kind of lame and forgettable though. Maybe the real villain was the challenge to make friends with eac...

Nezura 1964, 2020 – ★½

A weird drama documentary about a movie that may or may not have been a real movie that was never produced.It's honestly not real clear, and it's not really a Kaiju film at all.

The Tin Soldier, 1995 – ★★½

The image on Tubi has Jon Voight holding a sword and shield with this goofy grin, and that's like 90% of the reason I watched this.I don't think there is a sword or shield anywhere in this.The whole thing is definitely "After school morals" material....