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Sweet Home Alabama, 2002 – ★★½

Inwas kind of into this concept until they started really pushing the whole Confederates undertones. Granted, it was a different (less sensetive) time when this film was made, and its mostly just played for laughs, it doesn't age well. Also Patrick Dempsey is way better than that other dude. Like, she discovers that her shitty ex makes glass and suddenly falls head over herls for him. We didn't even discover the standard trope that Dempsey was a secret asshole and only wanted to marry her so he could buldoze the town and put up child labor sweat shops. He literally just forgives her and walks off when she leaves him at the alter. What a stand up dude.

The Protégé, 2021 – ★★★

Its decent enough though highly predictable with its twists. I like Michael Keaton, but they couldn't have gotten a romantic interest a bit closer to her age?

Beetlejuice, 1988 – ★★★½

Watched on Wednesday October 11, 2023.

Spooks: The Greater Good, 2015 – ★★★★

I found it to be enjoyable with plenty of teists and turns. Way more grounded than your standard spy spectable film. It could have skipped the branding of MI-5, that seems to maybe be a US thing. Everything about the marketing makes it feel like it wants you mistake it for a Mission Impossible film from the moniker to the cover graphic to the description.

Yentl, 1983 – ★★½

I just can't with Barbra Steisand in this role. You literally can't not see her and it kind of breaks the entire gimmick of the movie.